He's here
Today at 12:27 pm, Caleb Lee Brown was born. He is 8 lbs and 5 oz. And 20 inches long. At some point I will post more about this. His delivery was VERY different from Elizabeth's. But now I am tired and need to sleep. He's doing good, and I am too but would appreciate your continued prayers. Thanks!
I'm so glad that he had a safe delivery and that you are both doing well. :) I can't wait to see his little face!!! :) (And hear more about how things went, too.) I love all 4 of you! What a cute little family you are... :)
Robby and Lynsey, at 2:12 AM
whoa, big baby. I'm so happy for you guys. I love you so much.
Sue, at 4:05 AM
We're soooo happy for all of you! Give baby Caleb a big kiss from "Aunt Stacy" and tell Elizabeth how proud we are of her as his big sister! Take care and let us know if we can do anything for you!
Are y'all going to be visiting over Thanksgiving? We're staying home then but going to Texas for Christmas.
Lots of love and hugs,
Stacy, Damond & the girlies
Stacy, at 12:20 PM
I love the pictures!!! I can't believe he has so much hair. He's so cute. How are you feeling?
Sue, at 3:02 AM
We are so happy to see pictures! Thanks for sending them to us - he looks like Elizabeth with lots of dark blonde hair. Cutey!
Ethan & Nolan are anxious to meet him. Ethan wants to make him some soup because he knows he can't eat regular food yet. He said he'll bring orange soup (tomato). Ya think Caleb's ready for that?! hahahaha
maplesjess, at 10:03 PM
Congratulations guys!
The big sis little brother combo is lots of fun....just be prepared for Justin to freak out when Caleb wears Elizabeth's dress up garb...I laughed so much as S did this, often.
Heather, at 11:25 AM
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